Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Tourism Competitions

The 2021/2022 competition cycle is now closed.
JTB is offering an opportunity for up to three (3) students to travel to Dubai, UAE to experience the World Expo 2020 in February 2022. Open to secondary and tertiary students, respectively, the essay and pitch competitions invite creative and critical thinking around key issues in tourism.
Pitch Competition for Tertiary Students
Do you have the next big idea in Tourism?
Under the theme, ‘Jamaica Makes it Move: The case for diversifying Jamaica’s tourism sector’, entrants are invited to propose solutions to drive technological and social innovation in Tourism.
The proposal may take the form of:
A business plan, concept, or digital application that addresses a common ‘pain point’ in the industry
A case study drawn from the local tourism industry with recommendations for recovery following the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic
How to Enter the Pitch Competition
Step 1:
Complete the application form
Step 2:
Submit an executive summary of no more than 600 words outlining your solution, business model, or concept. You may include up to three (3) images or photos. The deadline for submissions is January 21, 2022.
Step 3:
Shortlisted entrants will be invited to deliver their pitches in front of a panel of judges. Pitch presentations should last no longer than five (5) minutes and may include audiovisual elements or demonstrations.
The winning entrant(s) will travel to Dubai, UAE in February 2022, to experience the World Expo 2020.
Deadline for Submission: January 21, 2022
Eligibility and Regulations
- The competition is open to students currently enrolled at a registered tertiary institution. Students may be pursuing any course of study.
- Entries should be submitted through a registered Tourism Action Club. Application forms require the endorsement of the TAC staff advisor.
- Students may enter as teams of up to two 2 persons. Both persons must be enrolled at a registered tertiary institution
- For the first round, submissions should be in PDF and may include up to 3 graphics and/or relevant images. Shortlisted entrants will be invited to deliver their pitches in-person before a the panel of judges. Pitches should be no longer than 5 minutes in duration and may involve the use of video and/or demonstrations.
- Entrants should possess a passport valid for at least 12-months at the time of entry. At the time of submission, entrants will be required to upload a copy of the ID page of their passport.
- Shortlisted entrants will be notified by the JTB.
- There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.
- By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.
Essay Competition for Secondary Students
Under the theme, Expo 2020 Dubai: The Case for Diversifying Jamaica’s Tourism Sector, entrants are invited to submit essays in response to the following question:
‘Part of Jamaica’s participation in Expo 2020 Dubai is focused on opening new markets for tourism and development. How can Jamaica’s tourism sector best prepare for visitors from the Middle East region as we move to diversify the country’s tourism industry?‘
Essays should:
- demonstrate knowledge of Jamaica’s tourist industry
- demonstrate evidence of basic research on the subject matter i.e. of the region and culture of the Middle East
- present innovative and feasible solutions or recommendations for Jamaica’s tourism sector
The winning student will travel to Dubai, UAE in February 2022, to experience World Expo 2020.
Eligibility Requirements and Regulations
- The essay competition is open to students enrolled in a secondary institution who are aged 18 and over
- Essays should be between 1500-1800 words in length
- In order to be considered complete, each entry must be accompanied by a completed application form, signed by a TAC staff advisor
- Essays must be submitted as a PDF using the application portal on the TAC website
- Each student is permitted to submit ONE entry. Multiple entries from the same student will be disqualified.
- Entrants should possess a passport valid for at least 12-months at the time of entry. At the time of submission, entrants will be required to upload a copy of the ID page of their passport.
- Essay entries must take into account cultural sensitivities of the UAE/Middle East Region.
- There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this competition.
By entering this competition, an entrant is indicating his/her agreement to be bound by these terms and conditions.