Do you have the next big idea in tourism? What ideas do you have to better the industry or to capitalize on an entrepreneurial opportunity?
As part of activities for Tourism Awareness Week 2023, the Tourism Innovation Challenge and Pitch Competition invites entrants to propose or pitch solutions to drive technological and social innovation in tourism. A solution may take the form of a business plan, business or enterprise concept, a digital application, or other technology-driven solution that addresses a common ‘pain point’ in the industry.
Pitches and business concepts should align with the UNWTO 2023 World Tourism Day theme, ‘Green Tourism: Investing in People, Planet, and Prosperity. According to the UNWTO, the theme calls attention to the traditional and non-traditional investments required for tourism to deliver on its massive potential to provide opportunities for people, greater sustainability for the planet, and inclusive prosperity through innovation and entrepreneurship.
Suggested topics include:
- Disaster Preparedness and Emergency Management
- Training and Workforce Development
- Development of Tourism Linkages and Supply Chain
- Community-Based Tourism
- Wellness Tourism
- Safety, Security and Destination Assurance
This competition is open to recent graduates (those who have graduated in the past year), and students currently enrolled in a tertiary institution. Three selected entrants will be granted access to the Tourism Enhancement Fund’s Tourism Innovation Incubator Programme. Through the programme, participants will be given the tools and resources to develop their business ideas and chart a path towards commercialization. Successful participants will get the opportunity to pitch their business or project to potential investors and industry partners.
Who can enter
The Tourism Innovation Challenge and Pitch Competition is open to recent graduates and students currently enrolled in a tertiary institution. Recent graduates should have graduated in the period September 2022 – September 2023.
Entrants must be age 18 and over. The competition is open to individuals and groups of up to six (6) persons. Entrants must be Jamaican nationals.
Members of staff of the Ministry of Tourism and its public bodies are not eligible to participate in the Tourism Innovation Challenge and Pitch Competition. Immediate family members of staff of these entities are also not eligible to participate.
How to enter
Submit a 500-word pitch providing an overview of your business concept and the challenge or ‘pain point’ that is addresses. Be sure to include the following in your pitch:
- Define the problem that your idea is addressing.
- Outline the solution: Explain how your idea is a compelling and feasible solution, and why it is better than existing solutions (if other solutions exist).
- Indicate opportunity and market size: Outline the target market for your business/innovation. Refer to any existing research to support your assumptions about the market.
- Outline your go-to-market plan: Describe how you will reach your customers/target audience.
- Briefly describe the business model: Explain how the business/enterprise will be managed and how it will generate money/value for those involved.
You attach any relevant images, videos, or recordings that support your pitch. Email your entry to
Entries must be submitted by September 20, 2023.
Judging and selection
Judging and selection of entries will be conducted by a panel of representatives from the Ministry of Tourism, its public bodies, and selected industry experts.
Shortlisted entrants will be invited to present their pitches in person before the panel. Of the shortlisted entrants, three (3) winners will be selected. The winners will gain access to the Tourism Enhancement Fund (TEF) Tourism Incubator programme.